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Lana continues to enjoy her new wild life, enjoying juggling her work with her ever increasing work. It has been a year now since her first transactional relationship and she has just graduated from law school. She is hoping that a permanent job offer is forthcoming and she couldn't be happier. She is contacted by her first client who requests a threesome with one of his friends and it is one of her biggest fantasies. When her boss tells her he needs to leave early for the day for an appointment, she thinks little of it - until she arrives for her next job.
Video Transcription
Já passou um ano desde a minha primeira relação comercial.
Tinha acabado de me formar em Direito e o meu estágio terminou da melhor maneira possível.
Tínhamos resolvido um processo enorme. Esperava mesmo que uma oferta de emprego viesse na minha direcção.
Não podia estar mais feliz. A minha vida estava num lugar que nunca imaginei há um ano.
Era natural que o meu primeiro cliente me contactasse de novo. Pierre.